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Rubber Ball’s Function and characteristics

Update time:2016-08-19    Click times:4846

Rubber ball, also known as the elastic ball/the bouncing ball, is a kind of solid wear-resisting rubber bouncing ball, it's on the vibrating screen, when working through bounce the ball on the screen and screen frame between vibrating screen constantly jumping up and down, irregular impact screen, make the sticky, stuck in between the mesh material has been repeated throw up, down, implement effective network and improve the purpose of through sieve rate.
Selection of vibrating screen bounce the ball clear network is a common way of prevent jams mesh material.Bounce the ball vibrating screen can greatly improve the work efficiency of vibrating screen.
Rubber ball features:
1, wear resistance, high bounce resistance, non-toxic, non-polluting, tasteless, no side effects, etc
2, high strength;Both soft and resilient
3, feel is good, environmental protection, sealing effect is ideal.  


Person Name:Mr.Wei

Phone Number:18737355333

Fax Number:+86-0373-5423130


Adress:DaKuai Town FengQuan District XinXiang City

Xinxiang Dingcheng Rubber And Plastic Co.,Ltd
Over the years specializing in the production of
rubber products

Person Name:Mr.Wei Phone Number:18737355333
Fax Number:+86-0373-5423130
Adress:DaKuai Town FengQuan District XinXiang City